KOL HANESHAMAH: Mahzor Leytamin Nora’im.
And you wait, await the one ting
That will infinitely increase your life;
The gigantic, the stupendous,
The awakening of stones,
Depths turned round toward you.
The volumes in brown and gold
Flicker dimly on the bookshelves;
And you think of lands traveled through,
Of paintings, of the garments
Of women found and lost.
And then all at once you know, that was it.
You rise, and there stands before you
The fear and prayer and shape
Of a vanished year.
Rainer Maria Rilke
And Rabbi Liz asked us to look not at the letters in Torah the space around the letters.
I pray a siddur from my heart,
One with torn edges, and all its missing words
I see have long since vanished, flying away
And seeking a resting place. How
Shall I bring a bandage for them
When my heart’s siddur with eaten edges
Still goes naked.
Amir Gilboa