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Sheri Ahava Cohen

Healing happens individually and Relationally

My body/soul is full with gratitude for the way in which my x and I met one another today. I reached out with an inner knowing asking for a conversation so that I, her, and us can walk this new way differently in our sacred space. This shows me a different way of working with discourse regardless of where the other person is. There were no little ones, seeking and searching for approval, no victimhood, trauma ( old conditioned patterns present) the request for respect, care and regard at it's highest realm was present. We were stellar together! Most people don't navigate this way, i certanily did not being hurt and felt alienated as an old pattern of mothering again emerged and I took care of that for me, came back to myself over and over until i was able to access a foundational steadiness that I took with me to Winnipeg this past week and now to synagaogue and all of the ways in which I am and continue to meet myself. The Straight jacket is being reformed again, the restriction felt within is being cut away so that flow and air can travel through freely.

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