I have the rightto say anything as long as i do so in a non violent, nonharmful way
I have the right to ask to be listened to.
i have the right to tell you my feelings are hurt
I have the right to speak up and tell you what i really prefer
I have the right to be told what you want from me without assuming I should know
The Right to Choose what's Best for me.
I have the right not to do things if it's not a good time for me.
I have the right to leave whenever i want
I have the right to say no to activities or get togethers i don't find enjoyable.
I have the right o make my own decisions, without self-doubt.
The Right to Live Life My Own Way
I have the right to take action even if you don't think it is a good idea.
I have the right to spend my energy and time on what i find important.
I have the right to trust my inner experience and take my aspirations seriously.
I have the right to take all of the time i need and not be rushed.
The Right to Equal importance and Respect.
I ahave the right ot be considered just as important as you.
I have the right to live my life without ridicult from anyone.
I have the right to be treated respectfully as an independent adult.
I have the right to refuse to feel shame.